Monday, November 13, 2006

Wooops! Nevermind about the video.

Ok, well, I guess I still don't know what I am doing with this YouTube stuff.

I downloaded the video straight from my camera, and it said it failed because the file type was wrong. ??????

HELP me please!!!

I will eventually get the video of Eric lifting up his head at tummy time on here! Keep watching for it!


Pam & JJ said...

Hey Emily, sorry the advice for the video didn't work. Did it not let you download it at all? Tell me where you got and what it said, maybe we all can talk you through it. I never got a message about wrong file type so I am not sure. We will figure it out. JJ

the rigdons said...

alright... let's get this figured out- what file type did your computer upload the video as? if you look at the file wherever you saved it, the .___ will tell you what type it's saved as. find that out and we'll go from there.

emchastain said...

I downloaded it straight from my camera, and it showed up on YouTube as .THV I think. ??

Feel free to sign in as me to look at what it says, mommachas 051206

Thanks for helping me out guys!

Pam & JJ said...

I logged in as you and saw what you were talking about. Youtube doesn't accept the type of software your camera uses. So instead of uploading straight to youtube, upload & save the video to your windows moviemaker on your computer. That will reformat the video so that you tube will accept it. Then just upload the video from there instead of straight from the camera. Try that and then let us know what happens.

emchastain said...

Ok Cool! Thanks!!
I will try it probably tomorrow.
Busy day today!