Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Great Pumpkin Patch!

We went back to GardenTown this year to pick out Eric's pumpkin like we did last year! He got so excited he was talking and pointing the whole time!

Here is Eric's pumpkin patch picture from last year! He has really grown!


So 3 moths later, I am finally getting back around to posting pictures of Eric on here. Boy has it been a busy three months for us! He has had 2 more surgeries since the last one and is still only at around 13 pounds. He still has no teeth but is trying to walk. Here are the promised pictures!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Glasses and a Cowboy Hat

Eric recently got a pair of glasses. His eye doctor says he needs them for his severe astigmatism, but not to worry, with these glasses, it should get corrected and he may not ever have to wear glasses in the future. He does have slight nearsightedness but nothing bad enough for glasses at the moment. The only catch is....Eric has to actually keep them on his face in order for them to correct anything!!

He yanks them off and down around his chin. They are the smallest glasses that Dean McGee Eye Institute makes and carries. Therefore, I didn't really get to choose a frame. We had to just take what they had. So they are very round and make him look like the little boy on Jerry McGuire or Chicken Little with his hair that sticks up in the back!

Eric also got a cowboy hat from Crutchers! He looks so handsome! As soon as I can find him a pair of boots we are going to take some professional pictures of him. We haven't done that in a while. Meanwhile, I did take some good ones of him at home.

I was going to post pics of his glasses and the hat today, but blogger won't let me upload the pictures this morning. I will try again this evening. Sorry!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New words!

Eric has really been trying to talk lately. He has a few words that he is saying now! Of course, they are baby talk, but he knows what he is trying to say and is associating the word to the correct item!!!! They are: Dog, Ball, Book, and Star. Of course these words are added to the old ones he was saying: Momma, Dadadada, Papapapa, bobbob (Robert), abbba (Aunt Brandy), and occasionally Nana.

He has also been pulling up on things and standing up. I think if all goes well, he should try to start walking by the end of the month. He has been crawling all over the place. His play dates with Jonas and John Mark have really helped his development and is strongly encouraged by his doctors and Sooner Start ECI.

Eric has also dicovered popscicles! He LOVES them! He also loves sweet corn and apples that are the Gerber graduates freeze dried fruit and veggies. Last night, he tried watermelon and like his mommy, LOVES it too. Except he can't put salt on it like me! He really likes water which is good. Eric still has no teeth, so we are running into problems with him eating. In his mind, he is old enough for teeth and wants food that we eat. But, since there are no teeth in his mouth, he should really eat baby food. He REFUSES, so mostly he gets his bottles, which he is starting to get tired of.

Happy 4th of July!!!!!

As always we went to my sister's house for the 4th. This year Eric was much better than last. Last year he had caulic and fussed and cried all night! This year..he PLAYED! He had a blast! His buddy Jonas came over to play with him and Eric soaked up the sun. The fireworks made him a little nervous but overall, he liked them. He really liked the sparkler Robert brought over for him. I had my friends and family with me this year and that made it a great holiday!

Here are some pictures!


On Monday, July 2nd, Baby Eric had his first surgery. He had an infusaport put in so that blood draws are much easier on him. This allows the doctors to put numbing cream on his skin and poke him ONE time and have access to an artery without the pain that normally come along with artery sticks. Blood drawn from arteries give a much more pure lab result because the blood is more free flowing from the artery, which means less clotting. Because we need to check Eric's potassium less clotting is what we need. When your blood clots, potassium is one of the things that shows up in larger quantities. It helps your blood, when clotting happens when we draw labs on Eric, it shows that his potassium is much higher than it really is, which means more blood sticks and panic for everyone. We don't want it to be too high.

Anyway, back to the surgery! Surgery went well. They had to put in the port by cutting near his neck and then check it by running a wire on each side of his chest to make sure the artery was found and that it goes through to the heart. Surgery was an outpatient procedure so as soon as he woke up and drank 3 ounces of juice, we got to go home. Because he is so little, they couldn't give him over a certain amount of anesthesia, so he woke up a little to early. They said it was right as they were taking him from surgery to recovery. Surgery was over, but too soon to wake up and not get sick. He was given pain medication that is safe for the kidneys. For him, that medicine worked really fast and it didn't take much at all. That medicine knocked him out cold for about an hour and a half. He got a second dose when we moved from recovery to the almost home room. So, he looks really drugged in these pictures...because he is!

I got to take off his bandages yesterday morning and his port seems to be just a small bulge under his right nipple. I don't know how swollen it is, so it may go down a little when it is all said and done. He doesn't seem to hurt unless he bumps it or if we bump it. It is very difficult to pick him up because his chest is sore. I have been giving him tylenol because that is all he can take. The pain medicine at the hospital is like morphine, so unfourtunately, they couldn't send that home with us. So, the only non narcotic that he can take is tylenol. Which means baby Eric is tough as a boot!

He now weighs 14 pounds 2 ounces with his jammies and a clean diaper on. He is also 25.5 inches long! He is growing!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Wedding Rehearsal

My camera batteries died after I took this one and only picture I got of Jesse and Lyndsey's wedding festivities.

He was sitting with his Papa with his arm propped up on Papa's belly!

Shreck The Third

Eric went to his first movie at the theater a few weeks ago with his cousins! It was fun! Eric was very good, he really liked the previews and then once the movie started, he slept ALL the way through the movie! I guess that is all I need to do to get him to take a nap, just pay $6.50 and go watch a movie!

Here is the picture of the girls with Eric at the movies!


Hey everyone!
I am sorry it has taken me about a month to get the rest of Eric's birthday pictures on here. Eric is becoming a VERY active young man! He is crawling everywhere and likes to type and talk on my cell phone...but only when I try to type or talk on the phone! He also has a developing temper! Anyway, sorry for the delay and I hope ya'll enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Eric!!!

We wished baby Eric happy birthday on May 12th! We had a party for him at RedBud Park in Marlow, OK. He had a great time with his friends and family. Thank you to everyone who came and thank you for all the wonderful gifts!!

Since then, we have been busy with doctor's visits and Eric has officially learned to crawl forwards!!!! He is into everything and has been making a motorcycle noise with his mouth now. It is so cute! We are trying to get him to eat baby food twice a day now, but he isn't liking it too much! He is almost 14 pounds now and is 25 inches long!

He is still cute and sweet as ever, just more mobile and onery!

Here is a birthday picture!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

**New Birthday Party Information**

Eric's 1st Birthday is coming up next week on May 12th!! I am so proud at how well he has done this past year.

We are having his party on Saturday May 12th, at 1:00 pm at RedBud Park at the Hideout Playground. It has a small pavillion and tables.

I know there has been lots of errors this year with his invitations, but I promise that next year, it will be better! :0)

Call if you have any questions. There will be lots of cake!!!

We hope to see you there.

Since Eric is not the typical 1 year old, I have received lots of questions about what to get him for his birthday.

He wears 3-6 month clothes now, (he is 13 pounds). The pants kind of fall off him, but he needs the length. He is in size 2 diapers. He is playing with 6 month + toys and 9 month + toys. I am doing his new room in tractors. He has most of the Baby Einstein DVDs, but he LOVES music and light up toys. We will love anything we get. Just seeing family and friends on his special day will be present enough!!

Baby Showers and Flowers

Here we are first, at Kristin's baby shower for the twins and lunch before. Then, off to Kara's shower and the flower pictures of Eric and some of his buddies!

Formal and cookout pictures

Here we are at the cookout and the formals.

Eric is in the picture with Sophia (Jennifer and Julio's little one) and one with Robert (Aubre's husband and host of the cookout and Julio). They were all watching tv together! :0)

Garden pictures

Here are some pictures of the garden and the flowers I planted around the house!

Lots to do

As most of you may know by now, Eric and I are moving back to Oklahoma. We still need to finish moving out of our house in San Antonio, but that will happen this month. With us, moving means filling out all of the hospital paperwork ....again! This is just to make sure Eric gets all his medicine and is seen by the right doctors. We are busy, but are having a good time.

I planted a vegetable garden in the back yard with the help of the girls, my sister Brandy, and Daddy. Eric and Nana watched and came out to help water. It has been fun and we can't wait to see it grow! We have marigolds planted to keep the bunnies out. I have a picture of that to post as well as some of Eric.

I have been busy reconnecting with my old friends here in the area. I got to go to our Sorority Formal , the Alpha Phi Forget-Me-Not Formal. It was a nice occasion to get all dressed up for. I got to feel pretty and had no spit up on me for once!! WHOOHOOO!! I also got to take Eric to a friend's house for a cookout. That was alot of fun and he got to play with some babies. Eric is quite the social butterfly!

We also went to Edmond to visit Steph and John Mark. We went shopping at Target, Babies R US, and Penn Square Mall, and of course ate lunch!! We went to Teds for lunch!! Yum Yum!!

One day we went to Lawton with JJ and Jonas to find stuff for Kara's baby shower and again...we ate lunch! This time at Pizza Hut for the buffet! :0)

Then, last week, we went to Kara's baby shower were I got to take some great pictures of all of us. I took Eric outside in their back yard and got some really cute pictures with the flowers. He was so interested in the plants, that he would hardly look up at me. He is so curious! I think we have a smarty pants on our hands!!!

Eric has been trying to crawl lately. He assumes the position, and then rocks back and forth. If he goes anywhere, it is backwards..or he tucks his head and rolls sideways. Either way, he is mobil now. Once he figures out how to go forward, we are in trouble! He will be fast!

His vocabulary has really started to take off too...well for baby talk anyway! He is sometimes saying the usual first words..momma, dada, nana and papa. He has learned how to say YAY! now . His little voice is so cute!

Eric now weighs 13 pounds 3 ounces. He didn't gain any weight from last week. :0(
His kidney function numbers are doing pretty good still. No real change from the week before wich is ok. Everything seems to be under control and stable for now. He will be going to see Dr. Turman at OU Children's Hospital for his new kidney appt. starting in June. In the mean time, we will be going to Ft. Sill for his blood work and they will be talking back and forth. Dr. Turman was Eric's doctor for his kidneys in the NICU. It will be nice to have him as a doctor again.

Well, here are some pictures and I will try to keep on top of the blog now that things are getting a little more in order around here. Enjoy!!