Friday, July 20, 2007

Glasses and a Cowboy Hat

Eric recently got a pair of glasses. His eye doctor says he needs them for his severe astigmatism, but not to worry, with these glasses, it should get corrected and he may not ever have to wear glasses in the future. He does have slight nearsightedness but nothing bad enough for glasses at the moment. The only catch is....Eric has to actually keep them on his face in order for them to correct anything!!

He yanks them off and down around his chin. They are the smallest glasses that Dean McGee Eye Institute makes and carries. Therefore, I didn't really get to choose a frame. We had to just take what they had. So they are very round and make him look like the little boy on Jerry McGuire or Chicken Little with his hair that sticks up in the back!

Eric also got a cowboy hat from Crutchers! He looks so handsome! As soon as I can find him a pair of boots we are going to take some professional pictures of him. We haven't done that in a while. Meanwhile, I did take some good ones of him at home.

I was going to post pics of his glasses and the hat today, but blogger won't let me upload the pictures this morning. I will try again this evening. Sorry!!

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