Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Eric!!!

We wished baby Eric happy birthday on May 12th! We had a party for him at RedBud Park in Marlow, OK. He had a great time with his friends and family. Thank you to everyone who came and thank you for all the wonderful gifts!!

Since then, we have been busy with doctor's visits and Eric has officially learned to crawl forwards!!!! He is into everything and has been making a motorcycle noise with his mouth now. It is so cute! We are trying to get him to eat baby food twice a day now, but he isn't liking it too much! He is almost 14 pounds now and is 25 inches long!

He is still cute and sweet as ever, just more mobile and onery!

Here is a birthday picture!

1 comment:

KellsMommy said...

He is getting bigger! He is adorable! I joined so you will have to go see Kells! AND we will see you this weekend I am sure.