Sunday, October 01, 2006

Central High Fall Carnival

Last night, Mike and I took baby Eric to the Central High Fall Carnival. When I was a kid, it was the Halloween Carnival. It hasn't changed much except for the absence of halloween decorations and costumes. There was the cake walk....that after all these years I still haven't won anything at. Then there is Bingo. The Seniors raise money at Bingo, for what, I can't remember. The Juniors raise money at the cake walk for the Junior/Senior Prom. At our school, the juniors throw the prom for the seniors. Juniors get to come to it with the seniors. I won at bingo! Wooohooo!! Then there are all the fun kid games and you win lots of candy, stuffed animals and poor little gold fish.

Eric had a fun night! He got to meet lots of people. It wore him out though! I was so excited to see lots of people that I went to school with this year. It really makes you realize how much you missed people when you get to see them again.

I don't have any pictures, we left the camara in the car, oops! I will post some new ones soon. I am sending out an email for you to go see our newest pictures from the Picture People. When they showed us the pictures, the people at Penn Square Mall in OKC asked us to sign a model waiver. They wanted to use Eric's pictures in the store as advertisement!!! How exciting!!

Tell us what you think!! :0)

We love all of you!!

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