Thursday, October 05, 2006

Introducing...Jentry Lynn Whaley!!

My long time friend, Jennifer (GG) Whaley and her husband Jason, had their very first baby last night!!!! They had a girl, Jentry Lynn, on October 4, 2006. Jentry was 7 pounds 6 ounces and 18.5 inches long. She is so pretty!!

We were shocked to see a headful of black hair!! GG and Jason both have light hair. She looks alot like her daddy, but there is some of GG in there too! Here I am holding sweet little Jentry!

I took a family photo of the happy family! Here are Jason, Jennifer (GG) and Jentry Whaley.

It was nice to see my old friends again! Jennifer (JJ) Dunn was there visiting so the three of us siezed the photo opportunity! :0) It was like old times again, except with a few more pounds on us all, and of course little babies in our lives now. It always seems like just when I get back in touch with my old friends, I end up having to move. I will be so sad to leave here again, but at least I know that I will always have my friends here in Oklahoma to come back to visit. We were so happy to welcome Jentry to the world, just like we were for our other friends, John Mark, Jonas, Kaitlynn and Eric. Next, we will get to welcome the Reid twins!!

1 comment:

the rigdons said...

i'm so sad i missed it... i am thinking of coming down one day next week- think we could recreate?? :)