Monday, November 20, 2006

Eric's First Haircut!

Yesterday, November 19, 2006 was Eric's first haircut! Eric is 6 months old, and now looks like a handsome little man!! My Aunt Linda did the cutting, I did the holding, mom did the pictures, dad did the combing afterwards, and..of course, Eric did the squirming, screaming and crying!!

Here are some pictures of our little mancub's transformation! :0)
Eric looks a little worried about his haircut! This is his before picture!

This is the first cut!! Hold still baby Eric!!

There goes the cowlick!! Eric is trying to hold still and smile at mommy!

"Ok guys, I changed my mind! Put the hair back on!!!"

Eric was such a wiggle worm that the best way to keep him still was to hold him on my lap so we could get him trimmed up around his ears and neck! As you can see, he is no longer smiling about the haircut!!

Whew! The haircut is over!! Now, all he needs is a little styling.

As you can see, Eric is not too thrilled with this part either!

His Papa Joe came to the rescue, and that made him feel a little better!

After a good nights sleep, I think Eric is ok with his new haircut! He feels so handsome and I have to agree with him! I can't believe he already needed a haircut!

We had alot of fun this weekend, other than the haircut! Mom and Dad came up here to be our first official visitors to sleep over in the house, after move-in! We went to Fredricksburg, TX for some shopping and eating great German food (small German town). We got to see where Mike works, (he gets to work with the horses they use in ceremonies!).

Today, we go back to the doctor to get looked at (no blood draw!!!) and to get immunizations and a flu shot (you win some, you lose some!).

Have a great day everybody!


the rigdons said...

what big boy! john mark is still mostly hairless, except right on top- which just keeps growing! this kid will have a combover before too long! :)

hope your thanksgiving is wonderful. can't wait to see you guys at christmas!

Pam & JJ said...

What precious pictures and such a handsome young man. First Haircut already - WOW - Jennifer was two years old before she knew what hair was! Looks like Jonas may take after him mommy and not need a haircut for some time.

Thank you for working on this blogging venue, it sure keeps us grandparents up-to-date on all your girls fun time in raising your precious babies.

I am very proud of you and Mike - this last year has been a blessing and very busy for all of you. But you have done a GREAT JOB of taking care of your family.

Love you, Pam