Saturday, December 16, 2006

Gruene Christmas!

Mom came up to do some Christmas shopping and to visit her little baby grandson!! We had alot of fun , but boy are we tired!
One night we went to Gruene (greeen) to go out to eat at the Gristmill! It is really yummy and it really is an old flour gristmill.

We went inside the Gruene Dance Hall, the oldest dance hall in Texas (yes, in Texas you can bring babies in bars, as long as they don't drink!! ;0)) There weren't alot of people there that night and it is really small. It has tons of history and some great country and blues artists have played here like George Straight (when he was still with his band called Ace in the Hole)! We were going to take advantage of Nana watching the baby and take a spin around the dance floor, but no music was on, so we took a picture by the tree instead.

Merry Christmas and I will get Eric's Santa picture on here this evening.
See some of you very soon!!!

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