Sunday, January 21, 2007


Here is a video of Eric laughing with his Daddy!!
Lets hope it works this time!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!

I turned 26 on Saturday, January 20th! We had a great time! My mom and dad came down from Oklahoma and my aunt and uncle went to eat with us. The party was actually a weekend long celebration! Friday night, me, Mike, mom, dad, and Eric went out to eat at Aldino's italian restraunte near our house. It was so yummy and for the first time ever, I was brave and tried Escargot. I know, snails are normally slimy and in a shell..gross! But, these tasted like mushrooms, which I really like, so I was surprised and really enjoyed them!

The next day for my birthday, mom and I went shopping at some boutiques near the house and I got some cool stuff...clothes, boots, Elvis tote bag that doubles as a purse/diaper bag for now, jewlery. That night, we went to eat dinner with Aunt Linda and Uncle Tommy at Water Street Oyster Bar. I was hoping for some crab legs and lobster tail, but they didn't have any, but the restraunt was really good and so was the service! I ended up with steak and shrimp, and another first....I tried Oysters Rockafella. Now, I am not one to eat anything raw, so these are cooked oysters with cheese and spinach on them. You would think that when an oyster is cooked it would be less wiggly and more solid. WRONG! The taste was very good, but I had to chase the oyster around my mouth while chewing! It was like eating a raw egg! YUCK!!!! That is probably something I will never eat agian, but at least I can say I tried them!

Presents were great too! I got a computer program that is called The Recipe Manager. It is a cookbook database that I can put shopping lists on my iPod or print out and download recipes I like from websites, and it came with some recipes too! It is pretty cool! I also got a Bose iPod docking station that lets me play my music from the iPod in the living room like a stereo! It sounds awesome!! I also got a tripod for my camera so that I can be in some pictures and so that I can hold it more steady and take better pictures of Eric! Last but not least, I got a pretty cross for my collection on the wall, and a Salsa cookbook from Aunt Linda and Uncle Tommy! Thank you to everyone who called me on my birthday! It really meant alot!!

Here are some great pictures of the weekend!

Dad put Eric's burp rag on his head to get the party started on Friday night! Who says Tu Pac is dead?!!

Eric looking handsome with his mommy before we went out to eat on Saturday.


Mike, Eric and Papa Joe~ The Highway Men!

The most handsome cowboy I have ever seen......except for maybe George Strait!

Eric and his daddy.

Eric with his Nana!

Me and my momma.

Eric with his Nana and Papa Joe.

Uncle Tommy and Daddy enjoying some fresh RAW oysters...brave souls!

Me and Mike at the Water Street Oyster Bar.

The was strawberry cake with fudge filling!!! YUMMY!! It has shoes around the sides!

I had a great time and wish that more family and friends could have been there too! Thanks everyone for such a great weekend!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Attack Baby!!

Today Eric got a little upset with the poparatizzi, so he decided to attack my camera. I guess he got a little cabin fever!
Here are those pictures!

Ice Storm

Well, the Ice Storm of 2007 has officially hit San Antonio, TX! It is 18 degrees with the wind chill today and only getting colder. It is sleeting and possibly will snow tonight. I think I am being followed by the snow bunnies! I can't seem to get away from the cold weather, even way down here in San Antonio.

Anyway, over the weekend and through today we have been house cleaning, playing with Eric and snuggling by the fire. Here are some pictures that I took.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


On January 3rd, we had an appointment with Dr. James Gibson. He is supposedly the best Bio-Chemical Geneticist in the nation. He was very nice and seemed like he really knew what he was talking about. The visit took about 2-3 hours of family history and measuring Eric's hands, feet, head, eyes, chest, arms, legs, etc.!

They confirmed that he does NOT have any form of Downs Syndrome!!! That is what we thought, but it is better to be safe than sorry. They do think he has some kind of Syndrome that deals with his groth, skeletal system, kidneys, eyesight, and hearing. We will keep everyone posted on this. Our next visit is on March 7th.

Eric had a visit with the eye doctor and they told us that Eric has very poor vision. He has astigmatism and is very near-sighted just like his mommy. They were also slightly concerned about the pressure in his eyes which would cause glaucoma if it is too high. His was on the high side. One of his eyes is also over correcting and they are considering putting a patch over one eye to keep him from doing damage to his eyes.

On a brighter note, Eric now weights 11 pounds 4 ounces and is 22 inches long! He has learned how to roll from his tummy to his back and is holding himself up when I sit him down.

I am finally caught up on my blog!!!!! I will be posting more soon!!

Tuesday January 8, 2007

On Tuesday I had an appointment with a surgeon to have my gall bladder removed. They took some blood and asked me to come in for one more ultrasound before the surgery. Then we have 2 days worth of pre-op and pre-admit appts. My surgery is scheduled at BAMC on Feb. 21 so keep me in your prayers that I don't have to go in to the ER for an early surgery between now and then!

After the appointment, Eric and I went to visit Auntie Linda and Uncle Tommy. They live about 30 mins. from us in Seguin, TX. Mike had to work Staff Duty (overnight), so we stayed the night with Aunt Linda. We had a good time! We went out to eat at the Olive Garden and then vegged out in front of the TV. Auntie Linda got to hold baby Eric all night!! Eric also got haircut number 2!!

I went to a boutique the other day in our addition called Baby O' Baby and got Eric some really cute and nice things!! Here is a picture of him at Aunt Linda's in one of his new outfits!!

Christmas at the Green's house

We had so much fun at Kara's mom's house for a Christmas "Shindig"! I was sad to see that GG and Kristin could not make it, but I did get to take Eric over to visit Kristin, AKA: Aunt Kiki, and her family. Eric had a great time meeting new people and seeing familiar faces. It is so much fun to get together with family and friends anytime, especially the holidays!!

Here are some really cute pictures of us at The Green's house. Enjoy!

Kara and Kaitlynn (I hope I spelled that right!!)

Steph and John Mark (I know I spelled that one right!)

JJ and Jonas ( I am never gonna be able to call ya Jennifer, sorry bud!)

And of course, I didn't get a picture of me with Eric because when I am taking pictures, I hardly ever remember to ask someone to take one of us! Bummer, I know, so if any of ya'll got one, could you send it to me?!

Now on to some candids and group shots!

Jonas is scooting around so good!! He is the youngest, but you would swear he is as old as Kaitlynn (born in Feb.)!!

Here is Eric wishing he could get out of the corner of the couch and give Kaitlynn a smooch! He just sits back and enjoys his moments!

Kaitlynn and Jonas sharing a pacifier!!

John Mark fell over on Eric! They are both learning about balance and trying to sit up now! Good try buddy!!

Kaitlynn is fixing John Mark's hat for the pictures! She is such a girl!

Here are all of us mommies and the babies! Aren't we cute?!

And then the party got wild! The boys were crying, Jonas took a nose dive off his Mamaw Pam's lap, and Kaitlynn came in with a mowhawk!! Here she is with her Aunt Krista (her stylist) and her big sister Baylee.

And for a sideview!

We had so much fun seeing everyone!! I am glad the grandmommies were there too! We can't wait for the next big gathering!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas Morning at Nana's

On Christmas morning, we always unwrap our presents together!
Brandy, Chris, and Kaylee, Kristen, and Kendyl come over and we get to spend the morning and afternoon together before they go to see their Mimi and Pawpaw in Lawton.

Here are the pictures of us all, and lets remember that most of this takes place and is over before 8 am so sometimes we get ate up with the goofies!!