Thursday, January 11, 2007


On January 3rd, we had an appointment with Dr. James Gibson. He is supposedly the best Bio-Chemical Geneticist in the nation. He was very nice and seemed like he really knew what he was talking about. The visit took about 2-3 hours of family history and measuring Eric's hands, feet, head, eyes, chest, arms, legs, etc.!

They confirmed that he does NOT have any form of Downs Syndrome!!! That is what we thought, but it is better to be safe than sorry. They do think he has some kind of Syndrome that deals with his groth, skeletal system, kidneys, eyesight, and hearing. We will keep everyone posted on this. Our next visit is on March 7th.

Eric had a visit with the eye doctor and they told us that Eric has very poor vision. He has astigmatism and is very near-sighted just like his mommy. They were also slightly concerned about the pressure in his eyes which would cause glaucoma if it is too high. His was on the high side. One of his eyes is also over correcting and they are considering putting a patch over one eye to keep him from doing damage to his eyes.

On a brighter note, Eric now weights 11 pounds 4 ounces and is 22 inches long! He has learned how to roll from his tummy to his back and is holding himself up when I sit him down.

I am finally caught up on my blog!!!!! I will be posting more soon!!

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