Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tuesday January 8, 2007

On Tuesday I had an appointment with a surgeon to have my gall bladder removed. They took some blood and asked me to come in for one more ultrasound before the surgery. Then we have 2 days worth of pre-op and pre-admit appts. My surgery is scheduled at BAMC on Feb. 21 so keep me in your prayers that I don't have to go in to the ER for an early surgery between now and then!

After the appointment, Eric and I went to visit Auntie Linda and Uncle Tommy. They live about 30 mins. from us in Seguin, TX. Mike had to work Staff Duty (overnight), so we stayed the night with Aunt Linda. We had a good time! We went out to eat at the Olive Garden and then vegged out in front of the TV. Auntie Linda got to hold baby Eric all night!! Eric also got haircut number 2!!

I went to a boutique the other day in our addition called Baby O' Baby and got Eric some really cute and nice things!! Here is a picture of him at Aunt Linda's in one of his new outfits!!

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