Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Today while watching the VH1 countdown, I noticed that Eric really likes the All American Reject's video for "It Ends Tonight". They go wild in a Firework superstore (like the big one on Highway 7 by mom's house) and blow up all the fireworks in a field. (lIke the on the way to Lawton on Hwy 7) :0)

Anyway, the part of the observation that I felt the whole world should know is this.... the lead singer Tyson Ritter (i think is his name) looks somewhat like Eric's Uncle Jesse. When he comes on the tv screen, Eric laughs and wants to touch him! I think it is cute! I guess it is ok for Eric to think his Uncle Jesse is a famous musician for now!

I just thought Jesse might like to hear that Eric does get excited about seeing him, and that I am quite sure he thinks Tyson is Jesse! :0)

I tried to copy a picture of the band on here so ya'll could compare, but it wouldn't let me. Darn copyrights! ;0)
Google them if you want to see a picture if you don't know what they look like!

I know, it is a rambling blog today, but that is really all that we had to say this afternoon!
We will post more soon!

˚˚••hn // v fl uiougv ,,,,,,, That was Eric's two cents! :0)

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