Friday, February 09, 2007

The Twins Have Arrived!!!

Eric's girlfriends and futre prom dates have arrived into the world today!!!
Krisitn Williams Reid (my life long friend) had twin baby girls at around 11:00 am (exact time is yet to be confirmed!).
Madalyn Olivia and Lauren Fenlee were delivered via C-Section after Kristin began having kidney trouble. Madalyn weighs in at 3 pounds 15 ounces and Lauren is 3 pounds 14 ounces! Almost 4 pounds each!!!! They will be in the NICU like Eric for a little while but they look very healthy and mom and babies are reported to be doing just fine!

As soon as I get some pictures emailed to me, I will post them so that we can all oogle over them!!

Congratualtions Kristin and Cody on the new baby girls!
We can't wait to hold them and are proud to be an Aunt and Uncle all over again!! :0)

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