On Wednesday the 20th, Eric and I went to OKC to see our friends Stephanie and John Mark. We ate at Pei Wei (yum-o!) and went shopping. I know this doesn't sound like much of a play date for the boys, but trust me, they had a blast! Here is a picture of the boys. John Mark was born about 2 months
after Eric, but Eric was supposed to be more like 2 weeks older.
John Mark came into this world at a whopping 10 pounds +. He is about 16 pounds now compared to our little dumplin' at 7 pounds 6 ounces! :0)
Here Steph is holding Eric. The boys slept most of the day, which made shopping a blast!! We even got to try some clothes on!
We ended our play date to go to Eric's pediatric nephrologist. That is his kidney doctor at Children's hospital in OKC. Here we are leaving the mall...sniff sniff....to go see the doctor. Pay no attention to the crazy sock legs behind me. They are stranger legs. And yes.. to those of you who may have noticed, I got new blue contacts for fun. I thought I would try to match my family! I was feeling a little left out! :0)
Eric's doctor visit was pretty good. He now weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces and is around 20 inches. His Creatinin level went down from 1.4 to 1.3 (which is good) and his BUN went down from 27 to 14 (also very good). His Para Thyroid Level was slightly elevated at 318 before and we were adjusting with a vitamin D supplement, but we over adjusted and it went down a little too low (not good) so now, we give him less of the Vitamin D supplement. His Iron levels from all the tests were too low for his age (you guessed it, not good), so now we have another new medicine to correct that. They lost his CBC blood draw (really not good). This was extra blood they took to test his hemoglobin levels to see how much blood cells he has. This helps him grow and determines how often we have to give him a shot. Right now, the Epogen shot is given by Mike and myself every Monday and Friday. If they find the blood they drew for the CBC, I will update ya'll on the results.
Eric got his first round of immunizations at the beginning of this month. I know, they are late, I thought the doctor was supposed to tell me when to get them, but apparently, the momma should know. So, they said he only has to wait a month in between and we will be getting round 2 in October before we leave to move to San Antonio. He handled round 1 really well. His legs never swelled or got red and hot. He cried and felt a little icky, but can you blame him?!
We go one more time to see the kidney doctor in OKC right before we move. We also have to see the Endochrinologist again in October. This doctor is is Lawton (off post) and is for growth.
We are also getting a downs syndrome test done. No big alarms, we just noticed they didn't do that test and we have had several nurses ask us if he has it. I thought we might as well find out, but most likely, he does not have it. I just thought I would let ya know, so that when I post those results, there is no shock! :0)