Sunday, September 17, 2006

Last Days in the NICU!!

Here are some of the things Eric did during his last days at the NICU!

Eric loved it when I held him! I am feeding him in this picture. We took a minute to talk and he smiled at me! They say it is just gas that early, but despite what the professionals say, I don't believe it! I think he really smiled at me! :0)

Eric was playing with Mike one day! He kept reaching up and touching Mike's beard! Eric also has his foot thrown up on his daddy's shoulder! Mike was feeding Eric in this picture too. We took lots of breaks even though we were not supposed to!

Here is a picture to show how small Eric's hands were!
Mike's hand is up next to Eric's. Of course, Eric is sleeping in this one. That is what he did best. They told us that if the baby was sleeping, he was growing. When the baby weighed 4 pounds, we needed him to grow, grow, grow!

Mike was reading a Dr. Suess book to Eric during kangaroo care.
Right when the book got to a funny part, Eric smiled big and I was able to snap a picture in time! It was so neat that he smiled and almost laughed at a funny part in the book!

Here is Eric enjoying his visit with his Uncle Kyle. He came up from Texas to see the baby. Eric has always been full of character!

Kaylee got to sneak in the baby's room again. She was so excited and we had to keep it a secret from her sisters. They would have been so upset that they didn't get to go in too!

I like Eric's hat the best! GO POKES!!

This was the first day that Eric got his tube out of his nose!!!
He kept reaching for it and it wasn't there! They took the feeding tube out a few days before they let us take Eric home!

Mike is feeding Eric a bottle for the first time with no tube backup!
We were in a new room called the sleep in room. We were supposed to sleep in the hospital under nurse supervision and the next day take Eric home! Eric decided not to eat with his bottle and they made us wait another day. He just wasn't ready to say goodbye to his favorite nurses!

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