Sunday, September 17, 2006

Moving Day!

Here is Eric holding his daddy's finger! Look how tiny Eric was!
This is him under the bililight. It was the last time we saw him in the old NICU on the 4th floor at Everett Tower.
The next day we went to the 7th floor to the brand new NICU!
It was so much nicer and lots more room. There were two babies per room instead of the whole NICU in one big crowded room.

This is Eric in his new bed in the new room!! He still curls up tight when he sleeps!

Me and Mike are taking turns here to kangaroo the baby. They had us put the baby down our shirt and have skin on skin contact with Eric. This way Eric was warm and was learning our smells. It also helped us bond with him. Eric LOVED kangaroo time and I called him my kangaroo baby!

Here is Mike, his dad Lou Couillard (where Eric gets his second middle name), and Eric. Mike is Lou's only son and Eric is Mike's only son! Grand Pepper (Lou) flew down from Waltham, Massachusets (near Boston) to see Eric! This is a third generation picture.

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