Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun with Eric

We took Eric to Chuck E. Cheese on our vacation to Texas in College Station. We went with his cousins Layton and Aaron and Kaylee Brooke. They had so much fun, and honestly, so did I! The games were so much fun! I thought it would be fun to take a picture with Chuck E. Cheese and Eric, but staying true to himself, Eric screamed the whole time we were taking pictures.
He has such a short fuse...I wonder who he got that from??!! I am sure Eric had fun, he just doesn't like mice!

Eric loves his Nana so much! He is sleeping on his Boppy and holding on for dear life to his Nana's finger. He really likes to sleep while we hold him, so this was his way to compromise! Did I meniton that I think he is too cute!

Eric's Great Aunt Linda cross stiched and sewed him this beautiful blanket! This is the closest he will ever get to it. If he spits up on it, we are all dead meat! He is sitting on his new, soft, blue chair in his nursery! It is green, yellow, and blue and has baby lambs and stars! I am sad that we have to leave it soon to go to San Antonio to live. I wish we could stay here longer!

I tried to pose Eric in his sweet outfit with his shoes! I love it! I put my baby ring on him, shhh don't tell him it is a girl ring! :0)

He wasn't having a good time! He would much rather watch sports on tv!

Whew! Now we are finally caught up to present day! From here on out, the blogs will be of the days activities! We hope you are enjoying our blog!

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