Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Look out World, here I am!

Eric Michael Couillard Chastain was born on May 12, 2006.....NOT July 16th as predicted by the doctor. I was in Oklahoma visiting my mom when Eric decided it was time to make his grand entrance. TA DAA!!

We went to get a 3D ultrasound in OKC and discovered that I had low amniotic to none actually! This meant Eric was in an unsafe environment in my tummy, so we had to have him 10 weeks early. The umbilical cord and placental unit also quit working and suppling him nutrients at week 27. Eric was not born until week 30 by emergency c-section at OU Medical Center.

Our little darlin' weighed in at 2 pounds 9 ounces and was 11 inches long. A few days after delivery, we found out that he has hypo plastic (fancy way to say VERY small) kidneys and renal (kidney) failure due to the very small kidneys.

We got to graduate from the NICU after only 7 weeks, which was beyond expectations of his doctors!

Some visitors while we were in the NICU:

Stephanie and Micah Rigdon, and soon to be John Mark at the time! :)
Kristin Ried
Sandy Williams
Jennifer Dunn and soon to be Jonas at the time :)
Pam Jones
Kara Green and Kaitlynn
Nana and Papa Joe-Cheryl and Joe Wenninger
Aunt Brandy and Uncle Chris and the girls-Kaylee, Kristen, and Kendyl
Uncle Jesse and soon to be Aunt Lyndsey (godparents)
Great Aunt Linda and Great Uncle Tommy
Mimi and Grandpa-Rob and Pat Chastain
Uncle Kyle
Great Aunt Debbie and Second Cousin Amy Carlin
Grand Pepper-Lou Couillard
Great Aunt Terry, Great Uncle David and second cousin Alicia
Second Cousin Tommy Neal and third cousins Layton and Aaron
Great Aunt Judy
Traci Spencer and Sheridan and Sophie
Jim and Elaine Vaught
Pastor Mayer

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes! They are still helping!!

1 comment:

the rigdons said...

i love your little boy! i can't wait to see him in a few days!!!